Friday 18 May 2012

Ghetto Royale - Chanel Cruise 2013

It's hard to determine whether it's just coincidence or an eerie fashion foresight but somehow Karl's cruise collection seemed to place itself firmly in the present, embodying France's unexpected upheaval at the hands of a brand new president. Cue twilight zone music.

In recent seasons, Karl has projected himself into the future exploring a more steely, robotic, intergalactic vision but Chanel's 2013 cruise collection spoke poignantly of today. A la mode pastels, wearable boucle jackets and urban brothel creepers spanned current trends to fit easily into our summer wardrobes.

But a simple motif is not within Mr Lagerfeld's faculty, preferring hybridised concepts just to provoke an eyeroll.Never one to neglect lavish historical context, this season it was Ghetto Royale. If you get stuck just imagine Marie Antoinette throwing down some Nicki Minaj.

Frills were tattered and full volume skirts skimmed thighs. And just when you thought tailored gold tweed was affording decadence, tight studded leather tore it to shreds.

When the show was over, Lagerfeld spoke to journalists in Louis XIV's gardens at Versailles. He told them “This was the place where the most civilized frivolity was allowed." Of course, it's unlikely we'll see Hollande throwing money in the air, hosting guillotine parties or integrating cake into his next electoral campaign, but step into Karl's world and a Francophile can dream.

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